Monday, January 21, 2008

Why is snot never ending?

I would like an answer to this ASAP. Thankyouverymuch.

I've had this cold since eh, Wednesday I guess. Mind you, I am MUCH better today as I was on Thursday or Friday, but I went through almost an entire roll of Scott toilet paper. Yikes, my nose is all red and on fire, but that was all we had in the house. We don't keep Kleenex here. Then my husband bought me a box of Puffs with Vicks...WONDERFUL invention...thank you Puffs people. And I am almost through that box now too.

The snot is never ending and I'd like to know why.

That is all for tonight. Ponder that a while. I may do a little google research and see what pops up.

Intervention and Paranormal State are on tonight! Yippee!!

Google research: Someone on Yahoo Answers wanted to know the same thing. Glad I am not alone in this big world wondering how when I blow every bit of snot out of my nose, it just fills back up 10 seconds later. I read some answers...but it just doesn't seem right and is still a mystery to me.

Off to blow my nose and watch TV!