Sunday, March 30, 2008

Perhaps a Breakthrough?

There's a situation coming up that my husband and I just don't agree upon at all. He is being stubborn and pigheaded about the situation and is not listening to me at all!!

The outcome of the situation is not something I want to deal with. There's NO WAY that anything good can come of it, and for some reason he just doesn't see it that way.

We argued about it for probably an hour last night. This is probably the third argument we've had about it. I give up...he's gonna do what he wants...and he'll have to deal with the consequences. I'm out and I'm NOT dealing with it.

Anyway, we barely spoke last night.

So this morning he still had a bit of an attitude and I asked what the problem was and he said he was still mad from last night. I told him that he knows my opinion on the situation and he's gonna do what he's gonna do regardless and what can I do about it? Nothing. He said he didn't want to "talk" and I said I'm not trying to. I just wanted to say that and walked away.

About 5 or 10 minutes later he comes in here and asked me to give him a hug and said something I've NEVER in the 11 years I've know the man have heard...."I can't stand not talking to you".

Woah...there may be hope for us yet!