Monday, July 28, 2008

Manic Monday

Ugh...Mondays suck, plain and simple. And this will be random...but that's my style LOL

My husband has been having major issues with his depression lately and with the newest developments, that's probably not going to get better for a while. Good thing he goes to see his pdoc this week.

My husband has a disease called Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome along with a handful of other autoimmune diseases. He's on disability, although we have yet to see a check...grrr...but he's still working. He's had a number of TIA's (mini strokes), has daily migraines, and omg I could go on and on. If you want to read his story it's located at this link: on page 9. It's a mess and it's been a long few years since his diagnosis.

We've been through a lot and will continue to get through things. So it's ok. I don't want to wallow or dwell on him and his disease...

Tonight was the season premiere of Paranormal State. I love this show, along with Ghosthunters. They both freak the heck out of me, but I really enjoy them. A friend of mine who also enjoys GH got a letter from someone telling her how she can "save" her and it had all this religion, like bible beating religion, crap in it and also things about the occult. Now why in the heck do people automatically assume that someone who finds paranormal things interesting worships the devil or is wiccan? Both my friend and I were raised Catholic. We both believe in God and Jesus and all of that. I am not sure if she calls herself "Catholic" or not, but I do. And FGS neither of us worship the devil or need "saving"...geez people, get a fricking grip already!!

Ok on to scrappy things. I still have that big ranty blog to write...I'll get to it, I'm still mad about it!!

This layout took me FOREVER! omg I worked on it for a long long time. I may have to do the credits tomorrow because after a while I was just trying to find things that matched the color sceme. I found a BUNCH of new templates tonight that I cannot wait to use.

Ok here is...

Template from Sweet Shop Designs
Most elements from various kits by Krista
Crown by Kirsty Wiseman
Papers from Sable Brule freebie kit...various artists