Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sweat Shop Sunday!

I probably shouldn't say "sweat shop", but that's what we call things in my family...cookie sweat shop, invitation sweat shop...ebay sweat shop...what have you.

So in a couple hours I am meeting my mom and sister to do some crafty things and put together the favor bags for my sister's shower. Then we're all going to dinner for my dad's birthday...which is Monday.

I should bring my document this blessed occasion. haha

Moving cats are driving me batty!!!! They are total beggars, worse than the dogs. They have food in their bowls, but still they are begging for people food. We have two cats that will take it right from your plates/hands if you let them!! bad kitties!! I hate a begging dog...but I hate a beggin cat worse and we have the beggingest cats around!!!

And Malcolm, he's the worse...little shit gets into absolutely everything. And he knows he's being bad too, he all hunkers down if you say his name...but still he keeps coming back and doing what you just yelled at him and shooed him away for! Bad kitty!