Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ugh!!!! Topaz Got Into The Garbage AGAIN!!!

This stinking dog!! I swear he's gonna kill himself doing this! It's totally my fault, I left the can open. I thought about it when I got to my mom's, but I thought that dh was coming home shortly after I a FEW HOURS after.

Which gave the dogs just enough time to get into the trash and pull it all from one end of the house to the other. There were even cat food cans IN THE BED!!!

Now, I have to keep an eye on Topaz and pray he doesn't have a seizure due to his garbage can escapades. I swear, he's SO bad.

On a good note, I did get an outfit for my sister's wedding shower next weekend and her wedding in October!! I'm excited because I had NO CLUE what I was going to wear. I also got a night gown that's SOO comfy and a shirt for work. I got my sister's shower gift too...and had it wrapped, but like a dummy, I dumped my thai food in and on the present bag so I will need to rewrap it this week. I'll have to get a big bag.

Here are the shirts I got...

I got this shirt in Purple...or Berry I think it's called for the shower. I'll wear it with black pants and shoes. 
And I got this shirt for the wedding. It's casual and this is a bit dressier than the other one. I'll wear this with the same black pants and shoes.

Nice thing is, I can also wear either to work if I want to. 
And speaking of are a couple of the new kits I got this weekend!

I can't link the graphics so I'll post the links here...from the top clockwise:

Flourish kit by Designs by Krista...(1 of 3 that I bought of hers)
Dusk till Dawn by Flergs...(i bought another kit and some glitters too)
Bubble Bath by Kristen Aagard...(1 of many lol...i LOVE her alphas!)
Autism Speaks...I bought this because 100% of the proceeds go to Walk Now for Autism, I don't know anyone with an autistic child, but I'm willing to donate.

Ok, so I went a little buckwild. husband buys CD's, movies, hats and t-shirts. I buy scrappy kits.