The hubbs had a Cardio appt this morning at 11am for the follow up to the PCP appt, which was a follow up to the ER appt after the fainting and hitting of the head in the shower ordeal. Before the appt this morning, we needed to go to the hospital where we went to the ER at...not where his PCP or other doctors are out of, mind you...well we needed to go there BEFORE his cardio appt so we could pick up his medical records from the ER visit for today's visit.
Of course, we got up an hour and 15 minutes late. Totally slept through ALL the alarms (I set like 4) we rushed around all morning. But...we made it to the appt ON TIME!! and WHY?? Well, because I was driving. The hubbs drives like an old man. lol
Once we got to the appt, of course they didn't have his referral. So we spent about 20 minutes on the phone just trying to get through to his PCP...and OMG are they RUDE!!! Well, they aren't ALL rude, but the 2nd lady I spoke to sure was. So we finally got that all straight and he went into his appt.
His cardiologist is awesome. He totally jokes with you and shoots the shit. He obviously takes the time to talk to his patients. He checked him all out and decided to put him on a 48 hour holter monitor, which he gets on Wednesday and he also is going to have an echocardiogram Wednesday.
He's also off work until after my sister's wedding. But he's ok to drive. Which is good, because I was dreading the 4 hour drive (with ME driving) up north. But now he can help with the driving. We're renting a minivan and taking the pups with us. It should be a good time. I called on that today and made the reservation.
I have SO much to do before the wedding. We need to finish cleaning the house because we are hiring someone to come in and feed the kitties and I'd REALLY like the house to be as clean as possible. I'm almost done with the more load to go.
We need to go find the hubbs a shirt to wear...or go through his closet and see what he's got. It's casual, so he could wear anything really.
I need to get the dog's food together, and froze into meals before we go. And then pack the humans all up...oh and make the Robusto!
It's going to be a busy week preparing for the trip and the wedding. But I am excited too, I'm going to take lots of pictures and make sure that I'm even in some of them!! I usually am not in any. I will post some pix when we get back.
Ok, time for me to get to bed. I CANNOT oversleep tomorrow!!
4 days ago
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