Monday, September 15, 2008

Problems With 4Shared, Dead Squirrel, Monday Madness Ramblings

LOL What a title!! I found out that the searches hit on the title more so I have been trying to squeeze more in there. LOL

First, 4Shared issues. Is anyone else having them? I can't seem to download some things, and others I need to try a few times. It's almost like the zip files are empty because when I download they're like zipping (haha pun not really intended) through them and then there's nothing to extract. I dumped my cookies thinking maybe that would help but it didn't. And so I finally downloaded an add on "Down them all" for firefox, which least when they are getting "caught up" I can pause and restart for the first time in a few days I was able to download my scrappy things! woo hoo!

RIP Little Squirrel
Now on to the squirrel part. I was getting ready for work this morning when my husband went to let the dogs in and he yelled at me to come and see something. Onyx came bounding down the hallway and my heart sank...Topaz! I asked what was wrong, did he have a seizure...he said, no worse. OMG what is worse than that?? I said what and he said he couldn't explain and I needed to come see. He was on the phone at the time so he couldn't really say. 
I go and look out the back door and there's a small black animal on the driveway. I was that a rat? (We have a rat problem in our city) The hubbs said he didn't know. 
I looked and no, it wasn't a was a squirrel!! My husband had just said before letting the dogs in that he saw them chasing a squirrel around the garage too. 
Anyway, so my husband went into the garage to get a shovel to pick up the squirrel and I went to check his cell phone and when I came back, Topaz was walking through the yard with the squirrel in his mouth!!! GROSS!!
So I get him to drop it and the hubbs goes to pick it up...ew, it's it's pretty fresh. Gross. 
So it seems one of our dogs has made its first kill. Nice way to start the Monday.

Paranormal State is on and it has been freaking me out lately. I get to where I can feel the fear in my sucks and I cannot tell my husband, he gets off on that kind of thing. He thinks it's SOOO funny that I get scared. The jerk! then he tries to scare me for the rest of the night. Ugh. I hate that.