Monday, October 13, 2008

Jumped on the "Twilight" Bandwagon

I finally ordered Twilight by Stephanie Meyer on audio. I mainly wanted to see what all the hype is about I guess. I'm about 4 chapters in and it's really pretty good. I'm glad I made the purchase. I'll have to see the movie when it comes out in November if I like the book and will definitely be getting the rest of them on audio.

I find it really interesting that the author is Mormon and she's writing about Vampires and everything. Kind of weird...but in a cool way. Even Christians can find that stuff interesting without falling into some dark whatever.

I don't have much to say besides that...and I have some HUGE herpe on my lip!! I HATE cold sores!! YUCK!

Of course I also didn't have anything to put on it, so I went out and had to buy a cold sore arsenol. Hopefully it won't last too long. It's huge and hurty though.