Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted Today, Twilight Soundtrack and Font Issues!!

I voted for Obama (2) Pictures, Images and Photos

The hubbs and I went and voted around 3pm today. I wanted to get there after lunch, but before people were getting off work. We had little to no line and everything moved pretty quickly.

DH had a bit of an incident while we were voting though, it was really warm in the school and the table thing he was voting on was moving and I think the light was moving as well and he just started to not feel very good...vertigo I think...so he sat down and finished, but he still wasn't feeling well and took a little bit to get his ballot all filled out. Then he lost his sheet and was kind of wandering around like he didn't know what to do! I felt horrible for him!!! But once we got everything straight and were out of there and got some fresh air, he was much, much better.

We are all in watching the results and I am really hoping Obama wins! My husband is getting really worked up over it all and getting too upset too early...there's still hours left to go!!! I put this neat little widget up here for now. I'll probably remove it later.

I bought the Twilight Soundtrack tonight. I heard a few songs on it and they were ok, so I just bought it. I cannot wait for the movie!!!! 16 more days! I probably won't see it on opening night, but maybe that next week. I need to see if I can get the hubbs to come with me...or else, maybe my nephew, he read the books. I think my sister would go too. It's about Vampires...that's kind of her thing. LOL

Nothing new on the scrappy front. Haven't had the time and I have a TON of freebie kits and kits I bought to sort through on my external. I wish it was easier to connect the external to my laptop, it has more RAM and a faster processor and would be much better for scrappy things. Maybe I'll work it out or we can get a smaller external and I can copy some things there.

I'm having a problem with installing my fonts from the desktop onto the laptop. I've googled, I've tried about 3 different ways and I just cannot get them to install right. I guess I'll have to post on a forum and see if anyone there knows. Dumb!

I think this is all for tonight...Go Obama!!