Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving & The Woe of Cat Poop LOL

What a title!

First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to anyone in the states who happens upon my little blog. I hope you have a safe one!

I have many things to be thankful for:
  • my husband is still doing fairly well, despite having his illness
  • i am surrounded by my family who loves and supports me
  • my animals
  • topaz has gone over 200 days without a seizure
  • we have a nice house in a nice neighborhood
  • i have a good job with good health insurance
  • i have my own health
  • my friends
I could go on, but those are the main ones. It's good to look at our lives and take a second to be thankful for the things we have. We're always complaining (we as people) about what we wish we had or what we don't have that sometimes we don't take the time to look at the things that we do have.

This is Beans...she's our little female kitty. She's really skiddish and shy. We rescued her, and before she was at the shelter, she was locked in a house or an attic with no food or water while a lady was hospitalized for a couple weeks. She had to have been eating something, or she wouldn't have made it. But anyways, she was kind of traumatized and she's now really just not so friendly...not like the boys.

Anyway, we've been having issues with her pooping under our bed. The litterboxes are in a room at the back of the house. We have 3 large ones. Problem is that every one of our animals, dogs included, pick on Beans...and before you feel sorry for her, she is nasty and she also picks back. I don't know who started it all, but they don't always get along. They have their moments though.

My husband and I are tired of cleaning diarrhea up under the bed...and behind the couches. What a yucky mess...all.the.time! In fact, I'm washing my blankets right now because they got poop on them...nice. Can't go to bed until the blankets are washed and dried.

She's been doing this a while. I am thinking that she maybe can't make it down to the boxes, or else is cornered. It would be different even if it was solid, but it's totally gross.

What we're going to do is get a couple or a few feliway diffusers and put one in our bedroom, one in the dining room and one in the literbox room. Take a sample of the poop to the vet, along with Beans and see if there's anything wrong that's causing the diarrhea. Maybe she can get the same meds that they gave Alex. And then we're going to give her a little time and see how it goes.

We don't want to have to get rid of her, but then again we don't want to clean up cat poop for the rest of our lives. So we'll see how she does. I hope we can nip this in the bud.

Tomorrow we're heading to my sister's house for Thanksgiving dinner. It's just going to be my parents, my husband, my sister and I. We're going to bring our Wii over and we'll have a traditional dinner...just downsized a little lol. Although, my sister said she got a lot of munchies! We're also eating at a traditional dinner time. (like 5pm) rather than 2 or 3 like we usually do.

We should have a good time! Maybe we'll bring over a couple movies too. My sister has this Maine Coon kitten, Wasabi, and he's a monster. He's HUGE! I will bring my camera and try to snap a picture or two of him! He's so fluffy and pretty!

Ok...enough babbling. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!