Sunday, November 30, 2008

Twilight...the movie. My Thoughts! yesterday was FINALLY the day I went to see Twilight the movie! First let me say, it was AWESOME! I loved it!! And So did the hubbs and my nephew! Hubbs even wants to read the books! LOL...too bad we don't have them. We may have to get them for him though.

The movies was everything I thought it was going to be and now I cannot wait for the DVD to come out! Hopefully it will come out soon. I can't imagine them taking their time with this one. And I will definitely be sending the hubbster out at midnight to pick this dvd up for me and I truly HOPE they offer a digital copy, or else I'll be getting one on iTunes!

So my thoughts...well, I knew going in that to cram the entire Twilight book into a 2 hr movie wasn't happening. Kind of like the Harry Potter books...they left out some things from the book to the movie and added in a little bit to make it all flow better or to explain things that were kind of left unexplained or foggy. So the same thing happened with Twilight. Sometimes I think that reading (or listening to in my case) the books too many times before seeing a movie can make you focus on the differences or what was missing rather than the actual movie itself.

Like my husband, he's never read the books...and he loved the movie. Of course, he didn't know that they added in this part or left out that part, or these two parts were out of order. Which may be a good thing...

So, aside from how the movie and the book were different from each other, I thought it was done really well and really enjoyed it!

I don't understand why for most of the movie Edward looked so mad! And Jasper...omg he was kind of ridiculous, like a deer in headlights. LOL I'm sure there was a reason...maybe he was like that in the books and I missed it lol, I'm not sure. But it was kind of funny. And, BITCH! lol But she really kind of was like that.

I give Twilight a definite two thumbs up...loved the book, loved the movie and cannot wait till New Moon!