Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Blog Address!

Dreamhost was having a killer sale this past week! A WHOLE year of hosting for less than $10.00. HOW could someone pass that up? So i decided to take my blog off blogger and move it to my own domain and use WordPress.

I am working out the kinks, but I hope to have things up and running as I want them very soon.

I may also move Topaz’s blog here, but I’m not sure yet. Depends on how this move goes. All the archives are moved…and I will be putting a link at the blogger site today.

I’ve just been playing around with the settings. I don’t know CSS very well, but can generally flub my way through it.

I hope also, that I will blog a bit more. We’ll see about that.

So anyways…if you’re a follower of mine, please update your bookmarks to
