Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Update on my Puppa...and 4 Tasty Goops!

I have been wanting to make more "goops" for Topaz for a few days now. I was going to make them last night, but with the election excitement I didn't get around to we've been improvising on his meals.

So I started as soon as I got home from work and I made 4 different goops. These ones have meat, veggie, fruit and supplement in them. well, all but one has meat and supplements. One is just veggies and fruit. I can always add meat to that one later.

The first one I made has canned pumpkin, carrot, celery, spinach, garlic, apple, and pork, plus the supplements. I gave them this one for's a little thick, I added 1/4 cup water to the other ones...but they both LOVED it...I think the garlic makes the difference!!

The 2nd one I made has spinach, celery, broccoli, cabbage, canned pumpkin, garlic, 2 apples, pork and supplements.

The 3rd one is mostly cabbage and broccoli, but also has canned pumpkin, garlic, an apple and a pear in it. This one is strictly veggie/ meat. I had a lot of cabbage to get rid of so I just made this. I may add meat to it when we give it to them.

The 4th is cabbage, broccoli, a lot of canned pumpkin, 2 apples, garlic, pork and the supplements.

There has been a lot of discussion lately about food for epi dogs and a question asking what people feed and what they do differently than others do to keep the seizures at bay.

I know we're *very* lucky with Topaz right now. He's gone over 190 days seizure free, and that's amazing!! I hate to say that I feel blessed (just because I don't like that saying...another blog...) but I truly feel blessed right now by his progress and how long we've been able to keep the seizures at bay.

What to do we differently? Nothing that I know of. I just know we, like so many other people who are owned by epileptic dogs, have done and are doing everything we possibly can for Topaz.

Oh and he's been doing so well. I think that the pancreatitis was like a blessing (ack that word again) in disguise! He's turned completely around as far as how he's acting. He's our old, crazy, hyper, boofie Topaz! My husband drove me to work today and when he picked me up he brought the dogs and Topaz was in heaven! He was wagging his tail the whole time!! The last car ride he went on he barely moved!! And he was just SO happy today...chasing cars in the truck like he normally/used to do. It was amazing and I was so happy that he was happy!

I hope he continues to feel better and that we finally have control over the seizures. I know at any time he could have one, but he's just been doing SO WELL lately1!