Thursday, January 10, 2008

Middle of the night randomness

It's 2:53 am as I am beginning this. I think the dog may have had a seizure tonight, so that's why I'm up. I posted in his blog about it a bit. Funny thing is, I didn't wake up from the noise of the seizure. I don't know why. Maybe it's time for a baby monitor.

I've been listening to "The Secret" again at work. I think this concept is very interesting. It's so hard for me to give up the urge to worry and obsess about things though. But I'll give it a try. 2008 has to be turned around somehow.

My fricking monitor is flickering for some weird reason. It needs to stop, seriously. I cannot get a new one right now.

Ok back to The's interesting to me the concept of being able to mold our lives with our thoughts and our mind. Let's take this dog situation for instance. Normally, I just worry a little about him having a seizure...but the weather has been wonky, so I've almost been expecting today someone asked me when the last one he had was and I mentioned that to the husband has well. So there's at least 3 days of me thinking or talking about him having a seizure. Why was I surprised when he had one? If I believe in what the Secret teaches, then I brought it on with my mind. I need to clear my mind of his seizures, put them out of my mind and see him as a perfectly healthy dog in each and every way. But the skeptic in me wonders if I can actually do that and if it will actually work.

This is pretty deep stuff for 3am, but I've been listening to it all week and the audio book basically says the same things over and over, so it gets embedded in the mind.

It's just so interesting.

Well I'm going to try to put the dog back in bed again. Nite for now!