Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Almost Finished with Twilight!!

Well I am almost finished with listening to Twilight. I have about an hour left in it...and then I move on to the next one! I am so glad that I got that book. It's really great!

I bought the 2nd and 3rd book in the series and will buy the 4th as well as her adult novel, The Host once I finish the other two probably next week.

One thing is for sure, it definitely helps me keep my butt in my seat at work when I have something good to listen to!

I can't wait for the movie in November. I sure hope I can find someone willing to go with me!! Maybe I'll drag the hubbs along. I've seen plenty of horror movies that have warped my brain...he owes me a movie! LOL

Only bad thing with listening to many books in a row with the same characters is that after a while I am thinking they're real. LOL totally crazy, I know...but I kind of get sucked in. I did that with the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich...I listened to like 5 or 6 of those books one after another and after a while I expected to see Ranger or Joe Morelli on the street LOL Crazy.

Oh well the first book is great and I can't wait to get more into the series.

Other random stuffs....

I have a very hurty cold sore on my lip. I hate it when I get those!!! First they are all puffy and then when the top falls off they get really hurty for a few days. Dumb herpe!!!! And my dh keeps making fun of me too!! *pout!* I cannot wait for this dumb thing to be gone!!

The fall colors around here are beautiful!! i really want to take the new camera out for a spin and take some pictures of the trees around. There's this HUGE cemetary by work that has some of the most lovely trees in it! I wish it wasn't so far away from the house or I'd go there and take the camera. maybe Friday I'll take it to work with me. I need a smaller bag for it so it's more portable. Right now I have this HUGE bag. I'll have to check out amazon or something for a new bag.

GH is on in a few...I am excited for the halloween show! I can actually stay up and watch it this year. I wasn't as into the show last year so I didn't really care, but I'm all in this year.