Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Moon...pass the kleenix plz!

This may contain some spoilers, so if you haven't read the 2nd book in the Twilight series...don't read on.

I finished Twilight was great. Of course I was right into the 2nd book, New Moon, as soon as I was done. I am not sure how far I got into the book (I am listening, mind you) but I know if I was reading I wouldn't have put it down till I was done.

Something was happening today while I was listening to the book...*spoiler alert*...when Edward was saying goodbye to Bella, I was devastated. I was this close to tears from that point on...omg when Bella was in the woods...I almost had to leave my desk because I just needed to go to the bathroom to cry. I didn't want to leave my iPod and stop listening to do so though!! LOL

To me, this is silly and crazy. I am not generally emotional when reading/listening. Sure, I read Marley and Me and cried at the end...and I've listened to other books and cried...and omg when Dumbledore died...forget it!! I was completely bawling then!!!

But I never thought this would effect me quite like it has. I said though, that I get into books when I listen to too many all at once with the same characters/story line. I mean even now if I really sit here and think about everything....I still get kind of weepy. How pathetic is that??

I have no clue how I'll get through tomorrow...omg and the weekend...without listening??? I may have to sneak a few hours in this weekend.

I'll try to be strong for tomorrow's listening.