Friday, October 31, 2008

More on Breaking Dawn & Halloween Randomness

Imagine my surprise when I got to the end of part 2 of Breaking Dawn on my iPod just to hear that there's another part...and I hadn't downloaded it!!! UGH! I wasted a couple hours listening to something else when I COULD have been listening to Breaking Dawn! I'm kind of glad though, that there WAS another part, because it was going to have a really DUMB ending if it ended where the 2nd part did!

So i was back in today at work...and I don't know how many hours I have left but this book is now progressing nicely.


I was getting kind of tired of the endless talking from Jacob about Bella and her pregnancy. It was driving me crazy...and although it is the next logical step, it wasn't the next logical step, ya know? But I am glad that Bella is now a Vampire and it's moving along nicely. And omg, Jacob imprinted on Renesmee...please...that's kind of a mess....but sweet at the same time. LOL awww and she (renesmee) sounds ADORABLE!!! however, the name is HIT!! yeah yeah, it's just a book, I know.

I wonder if the author will continue the story or if she's done. I guess I'll have to see how Breaking Dawn ends. I will be sad though, when I'm done with this last book...just like I was with the Harry Potter books. Of course, I have the movie(s) to look forward to...I saw a trailer on TV today! Of course, I've seen them online, but it looks awesome. Not really how I pictured Bella and Edward, but I still cannot wait!

So it is Halloween today! My husband was so's his favorite holiday so he spent the whole afternoon getting the yard "ready" for the trick or treaters. He made a little grave yard and set up his fog machine and strobe light and everything and had it just set up right.

 There were more tombstones than those looked great! And it's a good start. Next year and probably every other year afterwards we'll add more to the collection, I'm sure. he did a good job. And he even passed out most of the candy! Yeah for the hubbs.
I'm watching GhostHunters Live right now. Not much activity this evening. One of the celebs this year is "The MIZ" from the real world...and I guess he's some wrestler now. UGH, he's a jerk. He just keeps RUNNING his can you hear anything with that mouth running name is the miz and i'm wonderful...bluck. He's a jerk. I hope they see how ridiculous he is!!

Tomorrow I'm going to my parents to do eBay with my mom. We used to sell a lot of things, but it got to be too stressful and we had things come up and we just stopped for the better part of this year. Well, we're going to try again. Hopefully this will go well. I think we have to do it differently. I don't think the software will work, so I'm bringing my laptop to do it on...we'll see.

I also have to make some more veggie and fruity goop and get some sort of order in the kitchen and with the dog's food. Plus, I have some foundation stuff to work on and also I'd LOVE to scrapbook a little if I can find time. I have TONS of new kits I want to use!