Monday, November 17, 2008

Wheel of Fortune + Dr Appt + Alex's Vet Appt

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success
The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment after work. Anyone know how to lose like 50lbs overnight? LOL I just don't feel like hearing how I'm heavier now than I was at my last appointment. Yes, i know. I just want the refill for my meds so I don't feel crazy going off them and then I want to go about my merry way. Thankyouverymuch. heh

We'll see what happens tomorrow. *sigh*

Either way, the hubbs and I will be going grocery shopping on Thursday and we *will* be getting healthier foods!! I mean it...seriously! No more fast food, no more junk food... I need to give up the pop steps though. LOL babysteps.


Now on to my baby Fanna...or Alex, which is his "given" name. He's had diarrhea basically since we've adopted him. He's also had an eye that is periodically runny and shook his head whenever his ears were touched. We finally decided to take him to the vet for all of these things. We did so last week or the week before.

They gave us a liquid med for the diarrhea, and ear ointment and an eye ointment. We took him in on a Saturday...oh, and he got a full blood panel done and we brought in a stool sample too. he also got some shots and other tests.

On Saturday night he was kind of sleepy...I figured it was from the shots he biggie. Well, he wasn't moving on Sunday morning. My husband took him to the table to eat breakfast and he didn't eat a fact he didn't move from the same spot and he kind of cried when my husband picked him up. We called the vet knowing that cats go downhill fast when they stop eating and got an appointment for later in the afternoon.

We took him back in and he had an allergic reaction to the leukemia shot I think it they gave him a shot of something else and some fluids and sent us home with some predinosone. (sp) We noticed a difference by dinnertime! He actually ate his dinner...even though the vet said not to worry about it since he had the fluids...and he's been good ever since. Poor little guy! But he's on the mend.

Well I gotta get going. It's late, the dogs need meds and I need to get to bed!


Kirsty Wiseman said...

thank you for leaving such a wonderful and supportive comment on my blog. It is much appreciated xx
Kirsty x

PS: I love your blog.....its so vibrant