Sunday, November 23, 2008

November Resolution & Other Weekendy Randomness

If there is anyone out there who has read more than one of my blogs, you know I HATE doing dishes!!! I am against all forms of housework, but doing the dishes is the one thing that I DESPISE!! Yuck. I hate doing them! I even have a dishwasher, and have NO EXCUSE for letting them go and pile up and get so nasty.

Anyways...I am declaring right here and now that this will be the LAST time that I let the dishes pile up and I will make a conscience effort to stay on top of them!

There you have it world...I've got it down in black and white. I can't go back on it now.

Ugh, I've been doing the dam dishes all day...and have AT LEAST two more loads to do...We didn't have ONE piece of silverware clean, most of the bowls were dirty and there were various pots and pans and plasticy bowls and such dirty as well. I actually should be in the kitchen unloading the clean ones and putting in another load of dirty.

I have to do a load of laundry too actually. No clean socks or underware...and I think I will need some panties for tomorrow. LOL...well, and socks too! I could do a load after this next dish load. Dumb housework things.

I need to make some more goops for the dogs too. I have to mix in some meat with the one veg mix we bought and also mix in the supplements so there's something for the hubbs to feed the dogs in the mornings. I'll probably do that last, once the counter is all clean and sparkly, right before I go to bed.

Coming soon!

I made the above scrappy page a few days ago and have been meaning to post it up. The hubbster and I recently got a Wii...and let me tell ya,! We got Guitar Hero World Tour and we each have a guitar so we battle. It's pretty funny. Anyway, I found this cool font from Lettering Delights and when I heard hubby in the living room playing GH alone, I quick snuck in there and took a few pictures. He was so deep in concentration that he barely noticed! LOL He was doing a really hard song! (I also got some AWESOME Twilight fonts from there as well!)

Speaking of Twilight...who went to see the movie??? Not me, not yet anyways!! First problem is no one wants to go with me. The hubbs will go if i can't find anyone else. He says he's interested because it's vampires...but I don't think he really understands and will be waiting for "his" kind of vampires. Not these Cullens. So...on Saturday I'm taking my 11 yr old nephew to the show. The hubbs will probably come along too...just to not have to stay home, and we'll probably make him drive. We'll probably go to the good theater with the lover seats LOL so we can be all comfy while we get our movie on!  So i am pretty excited for that!!!

I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is this week!! Good LORD! Where did 2008 go?? It's flown right out the window!

Well the dishes are calling stuff. Not!

Oh...before I go, remember how I was stressing about my dr appt?? Well it was a piece of cake. I was in and out in 1/2 hour. WHEW!!! Of course, i need to go back in I will be stressed again! LOL Oh well.