Sunday, January 4, 2009

Project 365 & 2009 Randomness

Happy New Year everyone!!! I have been meaning to sit and write for a few days now, but every time I tried I got distracted.

My husband and I spent New Year's Eve alone at home this year. We ordered pizza and watched a movie and played a little Wii and then watched the ball drop. At midnight we kissed and then remembered some hardships from the past year. We've been through a lot and we really hope that 2009 is better! We'll work hard to make it that way!

I decided with this new year that I wanted to take part in the 365 photo project that so many people online are doing right now. It will definitely be a challenge and may actually encourage me to learn to use my new camera!

I made a new blog for my photos: It's really boring right now, but will be all prettied up soon...maybe later on today.

I haven't decided if I am going to scrap the photos or not. I assume I will, probably weekly...there are a lot of freebie templates out there right now for such things and I think it would be cool to make a book out of them. Ikea Goddess called her's a time capsule of sorts, and I really like that idea. So I probably will scrap look back on our lives in 2009!

I'll post the layouts here as well as on my new blog where the pictures will be. I'll also post them on flickr. LOL Lots of places!

So what's been going on with us? Well today I had to break up the oddest animal fight at our house. The dogs were fighting with Razzle of all cats! He was so worked up I had to put him in a separate room and let him calm down. I don't know what the heck was going on! Don't know how it started, nothing. But Topaz has a scratch or a bite, I really hope it's a scratch and not a bit above one eye and now Beans really isn't interested in food. Don't know if it's the flavor or what, but she totally snubbed it. I'll have to try to feed her a bit later on.

The house is totally a mess. We really need to clean it up. I'm taking a couple days off this week so we can grocery shop and clean. I was supposed to do all that during my break from work, but well, that didn't work out obviously. *sigh* oh well.

Once the house is clean one of the things I will be striving for in 2009 is to keep it clean! To keep up on the dishes like I said before, to keep my office clean, everything. I think if we had more organization and the house was clean than the animals would be calmer and everything wouldn't be so chaotic...but I do enjoy the chaos from time to time. lol

I keep saying this, I realize. I'm going to really work on it this year though. I need to. No reason to live like this! LOL

I also am going to try to eat healthier this year as well. I actually joined Weight Watchers online, although I haven't started it yet, but I'm going to after we grocery shop. I may reopen my "Healthier Lifestyle" blog. Not really sure yet. I don't need 15 blogs, but I don't want this to turn into some weight loss blog either. So maybe I'll revisit that blog.