Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Hoo! It's been a whirlwind of a couple weeks here!

I hope anyone reading my little blog has had a wonderful Christmas, or whatever you celebrate this time of the year. We had a really nice Christmas and were fortunate to get most things that we had asked for! Both of our families are very generous during the holidays.

We spent Christmas Eve afternoon at the hubbster's parents house and had a lovely meal with his parents and Grandmother. We opened presents and visited a little bit. We even got to talk to the hubbs' sister, who lives in Australia and our niece and nephew. Santa had already visited them, so they were telling us what they got for Christmas.

After visiting with them for a while, we went to my parents house for our traditional hors d'oeuvres dinner. We ate dinner and then opened gifts. It was also very nice. After gifts, we watched Sesame Street Christmas...which brought back a lot of old memories. My dad ALWAYS cracks up when Oscar the Grouch falls down the stairs and through the walls and everything. Last night was no different. he was cracking up!

After that, the hubby went home to feed the animals and I stayed and watched Holiday Inn with my mom and sister. When I got home, the hubbs and I opened the rest of our gifts from his parents - they sent us home with some.

Today, I woke up with a killer headache so I didn't go to the festivities at the hubbs' aunt's house. I missed all the fun and good food! But I felt horrible and didn't want to get anyone sick. I feel better now though.

Tomorrow we're heading out for the annual shopping excursion after Christmas to spend the money we got for Christmas and the gift cards. Will probably be crazy out there!!